White Hat Crew
The Art of Ethical Persuasion • White Hat Crew
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It's time for us to talk, face to face. Today.

I'm putting the finishing touches on a new website where internet marketers will be able to review each others' websites, brainstorm, and discuss internet marketing via webcam. Until it officially launches next week, all sessions will be free, so you can get a taste of...
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A few days ago, I mentioned how important having a "mastermind group" is in learning internet marketing. It's one of the best ways to get quick feedback on the flaws in your marketing, and what opportunities you may have overlooked. I promised to share more about how to build a mastermind group in my next...
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A few weeks ago, I posted an article about the difference between internet marketing knowledge and skill. Today, I'll follow up with a few thoughts about how to develop both the knowledge and the skill.

1. Get The Big Picture

When most people first jump into internet marketing, they're like the proverbial blind men trying...
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All the information in the world won't do you a lick of good if you don't develop the skill needed to apply it successfully.

Many people who spend a small fortune on internet marketing training products fail. Then they turn around and claim that the methods the gurus are teaching don't work.

The gurus and...
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About a week ago, I posted some thoughts about how to sell differently to hot vs. cold traffic (and everything in between). If you haven't read that post, I recommend reading it now, because I won't be repeating some important points I wrote about there. At the end of that post, I promised to finish...
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This may be old news to some of you, but it was new to me yesterday, so I thought I'd share for anyone else who may have missed it -- you can download a free PDF copy of Mark Joyner's best selling book, "The Irresistible Offer". (Opt-in required. That's not an affiliate link.)

The book...
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The other day, I read where someone had commented that PPC traffic is cold traffic, and you need to sell to it differently than you would to, say, a warm mailing list. (I wish I remembered where I heard that, because I'd love to credit someone for sparking some big ideas.)

While waiting for my...
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Ryan Lee just posted an email from his merchant account provider describing the rules they've put in place in response to the new requirements from VISA and MasterCard. (As far as I know, some of these rules are NOT mandated by VISA and MasterCard, but by his merchant account provider.)

Personally, I think most of...
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A few weeks ago, Michel Fortin posted two predictions for the internet in 2010. The first was that "internet marketing will grow up":

Yes, the indus­try is going through a major shakeup.

(As an exam­ple, our recent major announce­ment explain­ing the dras­tic change in the way we teach Inter­net mar­ket­ing is a reflec­tion, and the...
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[Update: Check the comments -- there's a reasonable explanation after all.] Mike Filsaime's new Twitter/Facebook client app has generated a lot of buzz the last few days. For the most part, it looks like a great idea and a useful app (I've noted some of the problems with the beta version in my previous post...
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Get to Know Us

White Hat Crew Hi. I'm Antone Roundy. I'm a strong believer in ethics, and have always tried to practice and promote ethical behavior in an industry where many slip over to the dark side. At White Hat Crew, I'll share insights into internet marketing, with extra emphasis on ethical issues.

Read my Internet Marketing Ethics Manifesto

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Riffs on a Purple Cow

Riffs on a Purple Cow is a Kindle eBook containing collection of articles I wrote, inspired by Seth Godin. Download your copy from Amazon.com.

It's also a demonstration of the blogging and business method outlined in my eBook, "How to Build and Operate an SEO Content Factory", which you can download for free in either of these formats:

PDF | Mobipocket (Kindle, etc.)


Tools I Use to Blog and Podcast

Here's a list of all the tools I use to publish this blog and podcast, and an outline of the process that makes it easier than you might think.