White Hat Crew
White Hat Crew • for Ethical Internet Marketers
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Which Business Books Would You Re-Read?
On his blog today, Ryan Healy threw out an interesting question: Imagine tha... (show more)

Why I Haven’t Been Blogging Lately: Small Business Revolution
It's been about 8 months since I announced I was "going quiet for a while" to... (show more)

My Thoughts on Amazon’s New Kindles
As you've probably heard by now, Amazon has released a new line of Kindles. L... (show more)

Group Blogging Workflow Setup in SEO Content Factory/WG
The video from last month about how to configure SEO Content Factory for blog... (show more)

What Does the Data Say Makes Things Go Viral?
I often hear the argument that social media hasn't been around long enough fo... (show more)

SEO Articles & Posts

Full Article Index

Using RSS for SEO - RSS newsfeeds can boost your search engine position by increasing freshness and relevance.
Using semantic markup - Tell the search engines what your page is about by putting the right tags around your keywords.
SEO through building more webpages - Some pages boost your search engine position more than others...
Smart link building - In-bound links are critical for SEO success, but don't sell yourself short or shoot yourself in the foot...
"Will Google penalize me if I _____?" - Avoiding the dreaded "PR0 penalty".
Capitalize on your website traffic - Selling your product isn't your only available revenue stream...

The White Hat Crew Blog

Just the Best Articles from the Best Marketing Blogs
24 Jul 2020 at 9:21am
You may have noticed that I haven't posted on this blog recently. (Or maybe you haven't, but yeah, it's true.) What I HAVE started doing daily is curating content from some of the best marketing blogs. If you want to keep up on the best online marketing articles, but don't want to take the time...
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3 Reasons to VLOG Every Day (or blog…and another reason)
9 May 2018 at 10:55am
Big time copywriter and all around great guy, Ray Edwards, posted a video today saying that he's going to vlog (like blogging but video) every day for 30 days, and explaining 3 reasons why. A few comments are in order. This applies not only to vlogging, but also to blogging, podcasting, social media activity, et...
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Making Meme Images for Your Blog Posts
19 Jan 2016 at 11:29am
You've written a blog post so great, it can't help but catapult you to fame and fortune. Right? Maybe so, if it gets noticed. If you want traffic for you blog, clicking "Publish" is not the final step. You also need to promote it. That means, among other things, sharing it on social media. Not...
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Google Analytics 102 – Find Out What’s Working
24 Dec 2015 at 7:01am
If you're like me, you created a Google Analytics account, added the basic code snippet to your site, checked your stats a few times, and never really figured out how to use it to make decisions about what to do on your website. If that's your story too, you've been through Google Analytics 101. You...
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How Do Customers Decide to Buy?
1 Dec 2015 at 2:16pm
You've heard it said that people decide with emotion and then justify with logic. So your marketing copy should appeal to emotions first, and then once someone has all but decided to buy, give them logical reasons to feel good about their decision. If that explanation makes you feel dirty as a marketer, keep reading...because...
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Should You Care About Your Website’s Bounce Rate? #BlogRiff 2 of 20
16 Dec 2014 at 10:28am
I came across a slightly older post this morning from Ricky Dawn discussing the importance (or lack thereof) of website bounce rates. For anyone who isn't familiar with the term, your bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to your site who only view one page. Presumably, once they've seen it, they bounce back to...
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The 4 ‘N’s of Selling Through Twitter
18 Feb 2013 at 2:11pm
A while back, I wrote about how to craft an auto-DM for Twitter that isn't spam. In that post, I promised to elaborate on my "4 'N's of Twitter" strategy in a future post. This is that future post. The First 'N' of Twitter: Engage Okay, so the first 'N' doesn't actually start with the...
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I’m an Idiot. Don’t You Be Too.
11 Feb 2013 at 1:04pm
Hi. My name is Antone, and I have a problem. I am an idiot. (But please, no comments saying "I agree with everything in this post!" :-) This morning, I took a look at the opt-in stats for my mailing lists, and discovered something disturbing. Two of my most important opt-in forms weren't getting any...
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White Hat Crew Blog Gets a Major Makeover
7 Dec 2012 at 10:34am
As I mentioned in my last post, this blog was in need of a facelift. And today, it's here. (You can see what it used to look like in a screenshot at the end of the previous post.) The goal of the new theme is to reduce distractions, so that you can get right to...
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Say It With White Space
27 Nov 2012 at 2:25pm
It's been said a million times - your website needs more white space. Judging from how most websites look (including this one! More on that below), it needs to be said a million and one times. I've been thinking a lot recently about how to use white space and related design elements to communicate more...
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Internet Marketing Guide

Sister Sites

A Change of Direction
After quitting my first post-college job in 1997, I started a company named M... (show more)