One of the challenges of selling info products is that there's so much free information available online that many people aren't willing to pay for information anymore. And those who are need to be convinced that your product gives them something they didn't get from the 50 free blogs posts they just read on the...
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I'm listening to an interview with Andy Jenkins and fellow Nebraskan Jeremy Shoemaker (a.k.a. Shoemoney) this morning, and just heard something funny I thought you might enjoy.
Jeremy is talking about how he uses controversy to get links. One key, he says, is to take a controversial position on things that other people have a...
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Okay, this isn't really about selling sandwiches to children, but it's a useful metaphor.
It's happened with all three of my kids -- not long after they started eating sandwiches, they stopped eating the crust. One of them would pick the middle of the sandwich out with his fingers if I didn't cut the crust...
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Walmart's customers don't seem to be getting the message.
And Walmart isn't about to complain.
Last month, Roger Dooley at Neuromarketing wrote about some research that suggests that Walmart's slogan "Save money. Live better." may inspire customers to spend more:
The experiment divided subjects into two groups. Half were exposed to brand names associated with...
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Back in 1990, I got a job at a Japanese travel agency to pay my way through college. From the beginning, one of the ladies in the office seemed to think that picking on me was a great way to enhance her life.
Maybe she'd liked the guy I'd replaced, and subconsciously resented me for...
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If you sit down with your child and watch SpongeBob SquarePants, you'll both laugh. But not always at the same time.
Why not?
Because some of the humor is too infantile for you. And some of it flies right over your kid's head. This isn't just true of SpongeBob. Lots of kids shows contain humor...
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One of my most popular posts from last month (as you'll see below) was the one where I shared which of my emails from March had been opened most, and which got the most clicks through to my blog.
Here's the report for April.
Where you see (+), (++) and (+++), that indicates that the...
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All marketers have to learn to think like their prospects in order to sell effectively.
But if ethics are important to you, you face an even bigger challenge than the average marketer: you've got to untangle your own thoughts and figure out which you can set aside and which you can't. Yeah, that's true for...
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If you were buying advertising, where would you want it placed?
Obviously, you'd want it where people in your target market would see it. And you wouldn't want it in a place that'd reflect poorly on your company. For example, if you were promoting a bank, you wouldn't advertise in a crack house, even if...
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Your website's bounce rate is the percentage of people who only stay for a few seconds before leaving. Naturally, when people arrive at your site and realize it's not what they were looking for, they'll leave.
But even if you've got the right content, there are other factors that will cause some people to leave....
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Get to Know Us
I'm Antone Roundy.
I'm a strong believer in ethics, and have always tried to practice and promote ethical behavior in an industry where many slip over to the dark side.
At White Hat Crew, I'll share insights into internet marketing, with extra emphasis on ethical issues.
Read my Internet Marketing Ethics Manifesto
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