If you post to your blog on a regular basis, writing posts ahead of time and scheduling them to appear on future days can be a great way to reduce the pressure to produce and free up time on days when unexpected issues require your attention. But does pre-scheduling posts instead of writing every day break your rhythm, making it harder to write on days when you do write?

When I first started posting daily, taking days off did break my rhythm. But now that I've gained more experience and "built up my blogging muscles," I find that I no longer have to write every day to keep in the flow.

Writing a few posts in one day and scheduling them for future publishing enables me to really dig in and work more productively on big projects on the days when I don't need to write. And if I happen to come up with something to write about, I can still take a few minutes to at least whip out a first draft.

To anyone who wants to blog daily, I'd recommend not scheduling too many future posts until you've gained enough experience that writing daily is no longer difficult.

If you want to write in the evening and schedule for publishing the next day, that's fine. But scheduling too many days ahead makes it easy to forget about blogging until the next deadline is breathing down your neck.

What do you think? Does scheduling posts ahead of time break your rhythm, or has it worked well for you?