Twimps, Twhorts and Twitter Spam
You may have seen the latest Twitter trick for spreading your message. Those who use it might call it "viral marketing". I call it a Twhort (and that's not a good thing). Here's how it works.
A marketer offers a free download to anyone who "tweets" a particular message (ie. posts it on their Twitter account for their followers to read). The person wanting the download enters their Twitter username and password, which is used to post the tweet, and the person is sent to the download page.
I imagine in most cases, the marketer lives up to their pledge not to store the username and password for later use. We'll ignore that question for now.
Does that seem legit to you? Not to me.
Consider this: would you send an email blast that you couldn't edit, promoting something you hadn't yet gotten access to to your mailing list in order to get a free download? I'm sure some would. But I'm guessing most list owners would consider that spamming and refuse.
How is tweeting for downloads any different?
When I saw a tweet about this technique today, I though of two "twords" (Twitter words...or should that be twerms? ...or if they're bad, perhaps twurds? But I digress.)
Tweet + w***e = twhort.
Along the same lines, a person who induces others to twhort = a twimp.
Ask me to follow you to get the download if you want -- like opting into an email list. If I like what I see, THEN I'll tweet it.
June 2nd, 2009 at 2:26 pm
After twalking to @harrisfellman, twhore = the person, twhort = the tweet, twhorting is the act of tweeting it.
Another analogy: twhorting is like recommending an affiliate product you've never used.
June 15th, 2009 at 6:59 am
During my first two weeks on twitter, I twhorted the TweeterGeeter or whatever that annoying thing was. Due to my ignorance I probably lost some credibility after falling for this. In my defense though, that was the last time. Good post, Antone!
June 27th, 2009 at 2:19 pm
The latest thing that I've seen on twitter is the "if you'd like to share this tweet click here" craze.
I imagine that if a few people do it then it could spread like wildfire but it's not a nice way of advertising.
Still, all's fair in love, war and advertising.