White Hat Crew
The Art of Ethical Persuasion • White Hat Crew
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If you don't know how to reach the part of a customer's brain that has the most power over their decisions, you're like a tree falling in the forest. Philosophers may spend weeks ruminating over whether you're making any noise. But if the decision maker isn't listening, you may make noise, but you won't make...
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I read recently that parts of the brain respond the same to watching someone else do something as they do when the person does it themself. To those parts of the brain, a vicarious experience is just as real as an actual, first person experience.

For example, a video of a kid unboxing his new...
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Your customers have 3 brains. No, I'm not saying they're mutants or aliens -- I mean 3 parts of their brains are involved in making decisions. If you want them to choose you, you need to know which one to talk to and how to do it.

The "Lizard Brain"

The first is the part...
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Executive Summary: Read it! Don't think you can catch the vision by reading book reviews that list the 6 main concepts. If you do, you'll miss a lot.

I read several good books a few months ago, but haven't yet gotten around to sharing insights I got from them and writing reviews. I'll probably spend...
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I came across a video the other day where David Frey reveals his biggest internet marketing secret. It's about "continuity" -- selling products that customers pay for repeatedly, like a monthly membership -- but there's more to it than that.

One thing you'll often hear when people talk about "membership sites" is that customers tend...
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Back in January 1998, I quit my day job, moved closer to my family, and started an online business.

I had some contract programming work lined up to help pay the bills, but it petered out faster than expected. So a year later, when my old employer called to ask if I'd come back as...
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Internet marketers love their buzzwords. Whenever somebody comes up with a catchy one, they all stand in a circle, sing a song, do a dance, and beat it to death. And then they beat it into dust.

Then they beat the space where it used to be.

About that time, they start looking around nervously...
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Who's to blame if an internet marketing system doesn't work? The seller, for selling a faulty system? Or the buyer for their half-hearted effort at implementing it?

The question has been hashed over ad nauseum, and the answer is obvious enough: there's plenty of blame for both.

On the one hand, some systems would work...
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Last week on Copyblogger, Carol Tice wrote a guest post about 50 Can't-Fail Techniques for Finding Great Blog Topics. For anyone who doesn't enjoy slogging through lists that long, let me boil them down for you into a more manageable list.

1. Subscribe to RSS Feeds

This is my #1 idea source. Carol lists 10...
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Reblogging is building a blog by re-posting content that's appeared elsewhere. It's an easy way to blog, since all you have to do is select content to reblog. But if you leave it at that, you're going to limit your audience, your influence, and the value you get from your blog.


Because you'll have...
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Get to Know Us

White Hat Crew Hi. I'm Antone Roundy. I'm a strong believer in ethics, and have always tried to practice and promote ethical behavior in an industry where many slip over to the dark side. At White Hat Crew, I'll share insights into internet marketing, with extra emphasis on ethical issues.

Read my Internet Marketing Ethics Manifesto

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Riffs on a Purple Cow

Riffs on a Purple Cow is a Kindle eBook containing collection of articles I wrote, inspired by Seth Godin. Download your copy from Amazon.com.

It's also a demonstration of the blogging and business method outlined in my eBook, "How to Build and Operate an SEO Content Factory", which you can download for free in either of these formats:

PDF | Mobipocket (Kindle, etc.)


Tools I Use to Blog and Podcast

Here's a list of all the tools I use to publish this blog and podcast, and an outline of the process that makes it easier than you might think.