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The Art of Ethical Persuasion • White Hat Crew
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I saw a stat today that suggests Google Chrome's market share may pass Firefox by October. A quote from the report got me thinking:

There is also a new innovation initiative to bring back a perception of a browser that not only copies features Chrome is pioneering, but lives a culture that delivers unique new...
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I hope all of you in the States had a good Independence Day yesterday. My family and I enjoyed doing some much needed yard work, and then a trip back through time to Railroad Town at the Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer.

Speaking of history, here are the headlines that got the most of...
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If your web browser works with Google web fonts, this post will look a little different to you than usual. That's because I've replaced the font for the content with a handwriting style font named "Architects Daughter".

Traditionally, when choosing fonts for your website, you've had to take two precautions:

Choosing fonts that most peopl...
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I just finished up a new video demonstrating how easy it is to generate high-quality, original blog posts using SEO Content Factory.

It also explains how this blogging method can get you better backlinks than commenting on other people's blogs.

Here it is.

Yesterday, Google announced a bunch of new social features, grouped under the name "Google+". Some of them look nice enough, but it's going to take more than "nice enough" to prevent its being just another ho-hum Google Buzz.

Google Buzz fizzled because it was just Twitter warmed over. We already had our relationships established on...
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When you have a good experience as a customer, do you tell anyone about it? Do you tweet it, post it on your blog, send them a testimonial, etc.?

You should.

Before I get into why it's so important, let me give a shout out to a seller who I recently had a good experience...
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I woke up this morning with an image in my mind that I'd seen years ago while living in San Francisco. We were in a drought, and people who used more water than they had the same month of the previous year risked significant penalties.

It was then that I noticed the green driveways.

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For my birthday last week, my wife gave me a cover for my Kindle and an iTunes gift card. So naturally, the time I've spent browsing around the iTunes Music Store deciding what to get is now worth more than the value of the card (apparently, I haven't learned my lesson yet).

What I want...
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What is it about an expert that makes them so successful, while an amateur who copies them as faithfully as they can gets no results at all?

I read a comic the other day that got me thinking about that. So today, let's try a Riff on a comic strip. First, to quote an excerpt:...
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Yesterday, I wrote about some research from the 1960's into the forces that drive word of mouth advertising. The article was focused primarily on what inspires people to talk about brands and products. Today, let's focus on how to make content go viral.

As I said yesterday:

...the #1 key for viral marketing success is...
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Get to Know Us

White Hat Crew Hi. I'm Antone Roundy. I'm a strong believer in ethics, and have always tried to practice and promote ethical behavior in an industry where many slip over to the dark side. At White Hat Crew, I'll share insights into internet marketing, with extra emphasis on ethical issues.

Read my Internet Marketing Ethics Manifesto

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Riffs on a Purple Cow

Riffs on a Purple Cow is a Kindle eBook containing collection of articles I wrote, inspired by Seth Godin. Download your copy from Amazon.com.

It's also a demonstration of the blogging and business method outlined in my eBook, "How to Build and Operate an SEO Content Factory", which you can download for free in either of these formats:

PDF | Mobipocket (Kindle, etc.)


Tools I Use to Blog and Podcast

Here's a list of all the tools I use to publish this blog and podcast, and an outline of the process that makes it easier than you might think.